The company has implemented a Quality Management System according ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001

ISO 9001

The company has realized a project under the Sectoral Operational Programme

"The Increase of Economic Competitiveness in 2004-2006"
co-funded by European Regional Development Fund.

Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego


Kolejka przetokowa

The shunting railway type ZT.VT may be used in underground mines in the fields categorised as a, b or c class of methane explosion hazard as well as A or B class of coal dust explosion hazard. Shunting railway type VT-3 is designed for shunting individual and connected in trains mine cars with wheels Ø375, Ø350 and Ø220 along horizontal or inclined ±4o tracks with track width of 600 – 1000mm.

Shunting railway
Track width 600-1000 mm
Speed 0,17 m/s
Pulling force 70 kN
Longitudinal range of hydraulic cylinder and drivers 2500mm
Hydraulic cylinder Ø50/ Ø90/ Ø110/1500/1970-3470
Length between the ends of track 4950 mm
Length 5400 mm
Width 2430 mm
Height to the head of the rail 130 mm
Height 215 mm
Weight 2150 kg
Power unit
Type of hydraulic unit hydraulic unit HAZV VII
Tank capacity 245 dm3
Usable liquid volume in the tank 200 dm3
Hydraulic pump type MHP330A297YEAB1043
Unit operating capacity 31 cm3/obr
Flow 46 l/min.
Set operating oil pressure 16 MPa
Electric motor type dSLg (dSKg) 160-200L(M)-4 EP
Power supply 500/1000V
Electric motor power up to 30 kW
Medium type hydraulic oil L-HL 68
Hydraulic unit dimensions of HAZV VII
Length 2295 mm
Width 735 mm
Height 1275 mm
Weight (without oil) 650 kg
Weight 8100kg